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ChampGel ® Automatic Gel Imaging and Analysis System

High resolution, high sensitivity CCD

UV Transilluminator with single or dual wavelength

UV observation window


Product Characteristics

  • ChampGelimaging system is designed forimaging:

    1. samples excited by UV or blue light(stained by EB,GoldView, GeneFinder, SYBRGreen, TLC plate, etc.)

    2. samples excited by visible light ( SDS-PAGEstained by Coomassie brilliant blue or silver)

    3. bacteria colonies, bacteriostatic rings,microplates, dot blot, films, object slices, etc.

  • Lane 1D  software provides analyses andcalculation of various kinds of images anddata such as gel electrophoresis, clonecounting, microplates, bacteriostatic rings,antibody potency, object measurement, etcAll the data, images and graphs could beexported to clipboard, or directly to ExcelWord and other software.

  • High resolution, high sensitivity CCD

  • UV Transilluminator with single or dual wavelength

  • UV observation window


Application Fields




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